
The building of University of Wrocław is placed where old Silesian Princes Castle once was. In 1702 emperor Leopold I approved the idea of starting up an Jesuitical university and he and his succesors fund the building.

Primarly the project established that the university will be a tree towered, 200 meters long building. Only one tower was build eventually, the lowest Mathematical tower, the rest wasn’t built because of financial issues.

As well the main building is shorter than the initial plans and is “only” 171 meters long. In the western wing you can find a lot of representative rooms and auditoriums with very expensive baroque interior design. Includes Auditorium Comicum (theatrical stage, burnt down in 18th century), Musical Oratory (partially destroyed in 1945 and rebuild in early 21th century) and almost not changed Leopoldina Assembly Hall. In 1945 university became a polish academic university. With its traditions it refers to german universities in Wrocław and Jan Kazimierz University in Lwów. Nowadays it is one of the most important and one of the oldest university in Wrocław. About 30 thousand people study here every day.

The main building of Wrocław University is best seen from Słodowa Island. If you have a minute its worth to go inside the main building and see the unique baroque Leopoldina Assembly Hall and the Mathematical Tower.

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