Saint Marcin Church

St. Marcin Church is a small gothic building situated in the western part of Ostrów Tumski. It is also one of the oldest sacral building in Wrocław. At first, it was a chapel of a Piasts castle and today it is only part remained. It consists of a nave built on a hexagon with a rectangular 3side chancel. It was decorated with stone arches. An interesting fact is that the church used to be a two-level building but due to rising of the ground level through hundreds of years, the lower level is now a basement. After the liquidation of Piast Castle, the church was right next to a central square surrounded by canons mansions. In the 19th century, the surroundings of the church were reorganized. During the time between WW1 and WW2, the church was used by the polish people The services in the church took place only in polish language. During WW2 about 80% of the building was destroyed. It was rebuilt in different forms referring to the Piast traditions of Wrocław.

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